Ulrike Heregger
Luxury Travel Advisor
Since Ulli was young she has enjoyed planning trips for her family and friends. She has traveledall over Europe, South America and parts of South East Asia and speaks several languages. Shelived in Barcelona, Spain for a year as an au pair and during her college years in Innsbruck,Austria she did an internship in the US, studied abroad in Leuven, Belgium and worked inMunich, Germany.
Ulli moved to the US to attend grad school in New Orleans (one of her favorite cities) and hassince lived in Boston, Nashville and New York (with a year-long stint back home in Austria inbetween).
Ulli loves researching and planning interesting and unique itineraries. Her favorite trips havebeen with her family to Iceland , ski vacations in the Rockies, and a girls trip to Malta.
Prior to becoming a Luxury Travel Advisor, Ulli has worked for Cultural Care Au Pair in Boston,Austria and New York for over 15 years. While living in Nashville she managed a successful non-profit organization called LP Pencil Box.
She lives in Larchmont, NY with her 2 children and husband. Ulli enjoys volunteering in hercommunity, running and finding new adventures for her friends and family!
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